Network Infrastructure
With the day-to-day pressures of running a business, it’s not surprising that it’s often overlooked that without a robust and stable network in place, businesses can grind to a halt. Organisations are so reliant on their data networks for so much that it is crucially important that it has been specified and configured correctly. If a business network fails, the implications can be catastrophic on the organisation and users may lose access to many vital resources. A well designed network also provides many more options for your organisation surrounding Remote Working.
We can install this with many options, should you want public WiFi, extra security, limited users or extra range, we can install/setup and configure from the start, so you have a complete infrastructure for Directors, Staff or Customers.
Network Infrastructure issues can be felt far and wide through an organisation, AITTECH specialise in keeping uptime to a maximum. You may see issues with Security, Efficiency, Disaster Recovery, Administration, Resiliance & Reliability, Speed and Costs all coming from any of the following being installed incorrectly; Cabling (Cat5/e, Cat6), Sever Rooms, Switches, Wireless, Cabinets, Hotspots, IP Technologies (VoIP, Surveillance & Audio / Visual), Network Expansion, Performance Upgrades, Mobility, Access Control, Shared Services (Printing, Scanning and other Peripherals).